Friday 22 June 2012

Have A Great Weekend!

Nothing crafty going on here today and nothing to show you really.
My husband is in hospital you see, nothing serious, just a follow up from previous surgery. Although it isn't serious, he is having further surgery today.

I hope you'll join me in wishing him well.

This weekend and next week will see the majority of my time spent looking after my husband as he will need lots of rest when he returns home. I'll still try to cook up some projects to post but there probably won't be a post each day for a couple of weeks or so.

In other news, the Olympic Torch is in our area on Monday... Something not to be missed so I'm taking the kids off to see it, school has kindly granted permission to take them out of school for a few hours to do this. 

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend.
Kaye xx

1 comment:

  1. Hope your hubby gets well soon hun xx bless him xx
    Hope the kids enjoyed the Olympic torch day x

    Congratulations, I have given you the 'Liebster Blog Award' for your blog :)

    Please check out this page;
    Your blog award



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