Friday, 13 July 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

Look who's back!! <sings>

I got my laptop back, wahoo!  I can't even begin to explain how lost I was without it... I kept thinking of things that I needed to do and send and pictures I wanted, so frustrating! Oh I'm so glad I've got it back! I can crack on with the things that I'm way behind with.

And what good news to come back to! The Liebster Blog Award! My friend Beckie over at nominated me for this award some time ago but because I had no internet and then no laptop I haven't been able to really look at it.
I am THRILLED to receive this but a bit baffled by the rules if I'm honest. Mainly because I don't get enough time to myself to read 11 other blogs, or even 5! So I have absolutely no idea who to nominate. :(

Does that mean I'm not allowed to display the award? I don't want to break any rules so I won't display it, but I do want to show you it...

For those who aren't familiar with the award (I wasn't before this), the Liebster Blog Award is an award given to upcoming bloggers who have 200 followers or less. The word 'liebster' is German in origin and is a term on endearment and means beloved, dearest, sweet, kindest etc.

What an honour! Thank you so much to Beckie for nominating me and my blog for this. I wish I was a bit more experienced and understood what to do now! :-S

Thank you so much for your patience through this technology nightmare, if you come back tomorrow I have a very easy to make Disney tag! I can't wait to show you.

Lots of love,
Kaye xx


  1. You have already done the post hehe, silly me, i have replied back to your comment on my blog to explain everything and how to put it on your blog at the side etc.

    Course you can have it though, there is no rules or anything :) Glad you happy to receive it :) i thought you deserved it and it is a nice award for upcoming bloggers!

    Glad to see you back!! xx

  2. oh and you can use the g+ thing with google circle groups, i have no clue how to use that or properly set it up :( lol

    oh and in your setting, try and take captca off for comments, it means when ppl post they don't have to do the code everytime, a lot of bloggers seem to be put off commenting because of it x


Please feel free to leave me a comment, I will always try and reply. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog.